Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Music Lately

I'm aliveeee! well kind of, after some well deserved (I think) vacation I still need time to rest (Yes I'm still tired!) at least school is over so I have loads of time now to write stuff here ^_^

The other day I was talking with a friend who was annoying me with "Why do you hate all the music?!?!?" well I'm sorry but I don't hate ALL the music, just the music you like (If you are reading this, you know I love you <3) but I have a good reason for it, and it is because they all sound the freaking same, and after a while I get bored with it. 

However bish wouldn't believe me so I had to look for proof, luck on my side I watched this videos some years ago, odds are you have watched them already but if not they will help illustrate what I'm saying.


  1. Welcome back! Everyone needs a vacation once in a while. I feel the same way about the current mainstream music thats being played on the radio or the TV - its freaking boring and repetitive. Thankfully we have internet. Those 2 songs are pretty great, haven't heard of them before, thanks for sharing

  2. those videos were amazing, i love videos that perfectly illustrate what im always trying to say and you just want everyone in the world to be forced to watch 'em.

  3. Nice videos. Really nice lyrics to them. +follow

  4. I can't stand manufactured music that is created solely to shift product. X Factor and American Idol are designed for people who only like what is fashionable in music. Boring.

  5. Welcome back ^_^ That Axis of Awesome 4 note song thing is awesome. They're pretty good those guys! Thought I might ask: what kind of music are you getting into lately?

  6. Yeaah 4 chord song, I love that one, great way to show your point too, too much music sounds too much like all other music now days :\
