I have a friend who is very "musical", what do I try to say with this?, well he just needs to listen to a song once to remember it completly, and as a bonus, if the song is catchy he will be singing it all day long. Some people might think this is a gift, I just think it is exploitable.
When we work together on any project we have a deal with music, we will take turns picking up songs, so I will pick up one and he will pick up the next and so on, this usually works fine until someone (me) picks up an annoying catchy song on a slow day (because I'm bored) to annoy the other person who usually responds with something like "damn it I hate you TURN THAT SHIT OFF!!!!" However I just ignore his plead wich leads to a lets-pick-the-worst-and-most-annoying-songs-ever battle to the point in wich both of us play songs that even annoy ourselves (or thats what he thinks)
The truth is I have a lot of annoying, corny or repetitive songs in my arsenal that I'm ashamed to addmit I actually like, but I know I'm not alone in this!!! I know people who are usually like "oh I hate this song" but then they dance to it or have it on their computers, or simply don't mind it while listening to it on the radio.
So this is why I ask you... What songs are you ashamed to addmit you like and you probably listen to it as loud as you can inside your closet???
Just a little example of what I'm talking about.