Saturday, April 23, 2011

F**n holograms how do they work

Oh well, I spent the whole day playing with photoshop so I didn't have time to prepare anything so chances are you have seen this ^_^

This is Hatsune Miku, world's most famous "virtual diva". Wth virtual diva? yeah, that's how people usually refer to her. She is basically a voice bank from a singing synthesizing program from Yamaha, Vocaloid 2. Pretty much you can use her to sing for you if you suck at it (and know japanese because is the language she is avaiable at)

She gained a lot of popularity thru japan and around the world after many developers used the voicebank to perform songs. What I find interesting about it is, that all the developers have been eventually creating her a "personality" thru all the songs they have been making. Da fk, how can they do that? I don't really think it was intentional, but the lyrics usually have a lot of meaning and often tell a story helped with anime-like images based on the original concept art of the voice bank. So at the end, new creatos took that as established and was base for the next songs and so on. Same happened with the new voicebanks they have been developing. Everyone has a different personality wich has been growing since they came out.

Below is a link of one of Mku's concerts. Wait how does a virtual character has a concert? Since they have become really really popular in Niconico Douga (Some kind of japanese youtube) the creators performed a concert with the most famous songs using a live band, but playbacking the vocals. And since they are japanese, they did a full hologram of Miku to sing for the gathering of japanese freaks. Just check it out!


  1. apparently my girlfriend likes vocaloid, and i'll try and post some women oriented posts :] thanks for the idea.

  2. That's pretty strange lol. I guess it would be interesting to see.

  3. wow that mad.. that would be so cool to see i rekon..

  4. wow! a little bit creepy, but cool. the way of the future

  5. soon we'll be star wars in real life

    minus the space people and awesome ships and almost everything else star wars had but still....

  6. I love vocaloid myself especially Miku! Love is war is my favorite! (:

  7. omg that is so cute. Why cant we have stuff like this in the U.S.

  8. That was quite possibly the most disturbing thing i've ever seen...

  9. Man that is crazy, those Japanese are a strange bunch.

  10. wow science fiction coming to life

  11. Because i mean who wants to see real people anyway?

  12. Lasers, man. Frickin lasers.

  13. What has science done!?! Everything awesome, that's what.

  14. you're kidding, we develop holograms and this is what we do with it. I cant believe how good it looks, you'd seriously think someone was dancing on stage.

  15. I've heard about this and seen a few spoofs. Great post

  16. Wow I didn't know they used holograms, I though they were normally just big monitors. Pretty cool, gotta say I'd go to that concert.

  17. I saw that video awhile back. Kinda trippy.

  18. CNN have any insight on this? Oh wait, their's was a FAKE hologram

  19. Damn, that's really cool. Voicebanks ARE great, in case anyone was wondering haha

  20. Not sure but they are in the process of making hologram hard drives

  21. Great post,
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    I think you'll like it


  22. Wow thats pretty sweet,nice blog definitely following.

  23. Leave it to the japanese to do this :p

  24. How strange. But, I am fascinated.

  25. this is amazing stuff! i cant wait till this technology is widespread its gonna be soooo cool

  26. i like it, it's strange but i think it's cool and cute
