Friday, April 22, 2011


Walking thru the supermarket minding my own bussiness as usual wondering what am I gonna dinner today, and then I saw it... there it was again staring at me with that creepy smile... And so I remembered the first time we met, it wasn't long ago, but it was a tragedy, oh! the memories giving me nightmares, I won't let them chase me anymore!!!!!

I'm decided. I grab it  tightly and pull it to my shopping car. Rice flour. I'm gonna try to make dangos a second time.

If any of you watches/likes anime you have probably heard about them, I did too so I wanted to try them at least once, but my first attempt went terribly wrong.

This guy's recipe is amazing so u should check it out if interested (^_^).

And so I followed this vid and tried once again to make the goddamn dangos, but this time it was a success! I wish I had my camera with me but it's still stolen... yeah long story short, friend asked me to borrow my camera, then he got it lost, promissed to pay it back, it's been 2 years since.

I took pics of whole process with crappy cellphone cam but they're so bad I dont really want to upload them. Anyways!!!! The dangos taste so good, the mitarashi sauce is just delicious, you should try to do them too!

What could have gone wrong on my first try you may wonder... Well there are two kinds of fluor for dango, I followed the wrong recipe in wich I had to put the dango balls in boiling water for a couple minutes. So at the end, the dough was raw. And that's all im going to say about it!!!!


  1. that looks like it would taste amazing!

  2. for some reason this makes me want sushi

  3. Mmm, foreign food.
    Cant wait to try Chinese hotpot tomorrow :D

  4. This is awesome I've always wanted to try these!

  5. Those look frickin delicious, thanks for sharing.

  6. Damn those look good! I'll have to make them tonight.

  7. Please upload some of the pics! I got a ton of awesome recipes on my blog and I'd love to see you try them out, crappy pic or not.

    Definitely following a soon to be Iron Chef :p

  8. Great blog! I love anime and food so yeah, perfect read for me.

  9. Now you know why to have a good pizza place on speeddial :)

  10. i've seen those before! they look absolutely delicious!

  11. When i went to Kyoto Japan i ate some dangos. Tasted delicious

  12. Whoa these look amazing, must have a go at this.

  13. Looks so delish!!!
    Too bad about your camera :S hopefully your friend will pay for it eventually.
