Sunday, May 1, 2011


Have you ever seen the pictures of famous places that the tourists upload everywhere over the internet and wondered, well... they all look the same. Or gone somewhere and see all the tourists trying to take a picture from nearly the same angle all of them?

We travel, we see a monument, and we take a picture. But, we are millions who travel, millions who see this monument, and millions who take the same picture. If you don't believe me take a look at this images.

This images are from Corinne Vionnet and her work "Photo Opportunities", she collected hundreds of pictures from the internet about well known monuments and touristic places around the world and gathered them together in successive layers. 
I think it's pretty interesting to see how human mind works similar, I wonder what exactly makes so many people want to take a picture from the same angle? 


  1. A lot of times there are designated spots to take the pictures and some monuments look better at certain angles. It is pretty neat, though.

  2. That's really cool. This remind me of the picture that's taken of the dozens of people taking a picture holding up the Leaning Tower of Piza :p

  3. Wow that is a very cool project that must of taken a lot of work on her part. I think people want to take pictures from the ONE location and angle in order to show they've been there, if it was taken from another angle, etc - that same picture might not be as "credible" as the very famous ones that are seen in Corinne project. In other words people are more likely to take exactly the same pictures because of social and media influence, since these same landscapes are very well know to many people.

  4. This is a really cool concept. Almost makes the landmarks look ghostly.

  5. They probably all take them from the same angle because that angle's the most convenient

    lazy people >:[

  6. thats amazing! i love the creative ideas some people come up with!

  7. I never really got the whole tourist picture thing, but I'm not really into taking photos.

  8. Good stuff, maybe because it's easier from certain places, i.e. the bridge and the towers.

  9. wow this is a really interesting way of making pictures. never seen anything like this

  10. nice. this is why I reckon its better to visit places and get to know the people and culture rather then the landmarks

  11. These are beautiful! Never seen art quite like it.

  12. I know in some places such as the Eiffel tower they have dedicated areas to allow photographers to get clear shots, this may be the same situation for other famous landscapes.

    But still, the pictures to make a point

  13. Very nicely done, very unique :)

  14. Dude that is really cool and unique. it is really interesting

  15. This is actually very interesting :)

  16. Interesting read, but it might just be the simple explanation that there is only access to picture taking at a specific spot, as someone above me said

  17. yeah, saw a picture of the leaning tower of all the tourist standing around acting like they are holding it up

  18. Really cool concept. Thanks for posting.

  19. Those pictures are amazing, good post

  20. This is just amazing!!!

    Love her work!


  21. soo beautiful ... *followed

  22. new wallpaper!!, beautifull work

  23. That's really beautiful work, that was a nice find.

  24. Well, I guess we have a common conception of what looks good, I'm not really surprised by this as we grew up in similar circumstances.

  25. i've seen this before and it was cool then and it's still cool now

  26. I'd assume because the majority of these only have one specific area from which a good photo can be taken. Also, these are famous landmarks, there are probably hundreds of thousands of photos of them and she cherry picked the ones that would suit. Still, looks cool

  27. wow really impressed. Such a novel way to visually present something that lots of people have seen lots of times.

  28. Those pictures are so amazing!

  29. that is an amazing idea! to put all the pictures into one!

  30. Never really thought of all the tourists taking pics at the same angle. Very interesting

  31. That's pretty weird, but sweet. You're blog is simple and interesting, following. :)

  32. The first comment, "A lot of times there are designated spots to take the pictures and some monuments look better at certain angles" seems to explain a bit of why this occurs. This is really interesting, though, the composites themselves look awesome.


  33. awesome blog these pictures are works of art loving it

  34. Definitely following your blog, you post some interesting stuff!
